Archives for 2020

10 Ways the Lord Has Fed My Soul Through Philippians

When I was a pastoral intern in my twenties, my mentor gave me the privilege of preaching my first sermon series from the book of Philippians.  I had no idea what I was doing or how the Lord might work, and frankly, I’m not convinced that what I did those 13 weeks would pass for preaching.  But what I’ve never forgotten is a comment my mentor made at the outset of the series: “By the time you’re done preaching, this letter will become yours.” 

15 years later, I’ve experienced the joy, once again, of preaching through this letter, this time in the landscape of 2020 and with a congregation I love uniquely, 7 years in to our partnership in the gospel.  Once again, the Lord has made this letter “mine,” feeding my soul and applying the truth of this letter in powerful ways. 

As we prepare for our final sermon from this letter, here are 10 ways God has fed my soul through Philippians in 2020:

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Love and Lament: Attitudes of the Heart as We Re-Gather for In-Person Worship

After 15 weeks of online-only worship, we are looking forward with great anticipation to re-gathering this Sunday, July 5 for two in-person services at 8:30 and 10:30am.  Throughout this process, my own heart has found language for my desires in Psalm 42:4, “These things I remember, as I pour out my soul: how I would go with the throng and lead them in procession to the house of God.”  How I have longed to be with you for gathered worship again!

As we prepare to gather this Sunday, and as I consider the ways in which in-person worship will be different, two words have been on my heart: Love and Lament.

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Pastoral Letter: Longing to Regather, and Our Tentative Plans

Dear Calvary Church Family,

As you know, this season has been wrought with difficulty, including the necessity of worshiping apart.  Jesus has saved us into a community and has made us for corporate worship, and our collective hearts have cried out for the community into which the Lord has placed us.

Throughout this season, Psalm 42 has been the chorus of my soul, speaking hope to my own weary heart and longing to once again be with God’s people in God’s presence, worshiping Him together.  I have been reminded often of the words of the Psalmist, whose spiritual angst seems to be a product of a time of separation from the gathered people of God.  “As a deer pants for flowing streams, so pants my soul for you, O God.  My soul pants for God, for the living God.  When shall I come and appear before God?…These things I remember, as I pour out my soul: how I would go with the throng and lead them in procession to the house of God with glad shouts of praise, a multitude keeping festival” (Psalm 42:1, 4).

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Calvary Session Letter Regarding COVID-19

Dear Calvary Church Family,

As you are likely aware, the World Health Organization, this week declared the spread of COVID-19 to be a pandemic.  In addition, Governor Cooper has declared a state of emergency in North Carolina, advising against assemblies that exceed 100 people.

Calvary’s Session met Thursday night, and after prayerful consideration and because we do not exceed 100, we plan to gather for public worship this Sunday, as usual at 10:30am.  We believe that as long as we are able to gather, we need the hope that only the gospel provides in the context of corporate worship. 

However, we will also continue to monitor information coming from the CDC and NCDHHS websites for developments and current recommendations.  In light of the changing landscape, below is an updated list of precautions we plan to take, both as individuals and as a congregation:

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