Calvary Session Letter Regarding COVID-19

Dear Calvary Church Family,

As you are likely aware, the World Health Organization, this week declared the spread of COVID-19 to be a pandemic.  In addition, Governor Cooper has declared a state of emergency in North Carolina, advising against assemblies that exceed 100 people.

Calvary’s Session met Thursday night, and after prayerful consideration and because we do not exceed 100, we plan to gather for public worship this Sunday, as usual at 10:30am.  We believe that as long as we are able to gather, we need the hope that only the gospel provides in the context of corporate worship. 

However, we will also continue to monitor information coming from the CDC and NCDHHS websites for developments and current recommendations.  In light of the changing landscape, below is an updated list of precautions we plan to take, both as individuals and as a congregation:

  • Choosing to Attend Corporate Worship: If anyone has had symptoms of illness in the 24 hours prior to worship, we would encourage you to remain at home. The NCDHHS is also advising that those most at risk (65 & older, and people with underlying heath concerns or compromised immunity) consider staying home from corporate gatherings.  We would encourage you to prayerfully consider your own health and know that your conscience is not bound to attend, should you deem the risk too high at this time.
  • Discontinue Fellowship Time & Refreshments for at Least Three Weeks: In an abundance of caution, we are discontinuing our fellowship time and refreshments both prior to or after worship.  You are free to bring your own beverage, if you would like.
  • Communion: We will celebrate communion, but those serving communion will wear sterile, non-latex gloves and will place the bread in each hand.
  • Giving: Rather than pass the offering plate row-by-row, we will have a box available in the back of the sanctuary for you to place tithes, offerings and connection cards on your way out.  You may also give online at
  • Greeting & Bulletins: Our greeters will welcome you with a smile and hold the door open for you, when you arrive, but in keeping with recommendations from medical personnel for everyone in gathered settings, they will not initiate a handshake or hug.  Bulletins will be on the welcome table for your convenience, rather than handed out this week.
  • Spreading Out: We plan to include rows of chairs in the back of the sanctuary, and we encourage you to spread out for your benefit and for the sake of those around you.
  • Washing Hands and Using Hand Sanitizer: We will provide several hand sanitizer stations, throughout the building for your convenience.  However, the best way to keep your hands clean is by washing thoroughly and often with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds. 
  • Nursery and Children’s Ministry: We would like to remind you that if your child has been sick (fever or vomiting) within 24-hours of worship, that child should remain at home with a parent.  Our nursery and children’s ministry team has procedures already in place to ensure proper sanitizing of toys and other items to provide as safe an environment as possible. 
  • Travel: If you have recently traveled overseas we would ask that you refrain from greeting, working with children or elderly, or serving in the nursery for 14 days to ensure you have not contracted this or any illness.

We know this is an unsettling time for many, as new cases are diagnosed each day, and many of us have been asked to alter our daily habits in a variety of ways.  Remember, that in the face of an ever-changing world, we have a God who is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Heb. 13:8).  He invites us to cast all our cares upon Him, because he cares for us (1Peter 5:7).  And we are promised that nothing can separate us from our Father’s love (Romans 8:38-39).  Instead, we are free to point a scared and watching world to the one who has conquered our twin enemies of sin and death. 

Continue to pray and care for the sick, for those who have lost loved ones, for medical personnel and world leaders, and ask God to show you ways He would have you serve your neighbor in Christ’s love.

In Christ’s Love,

The Session of Calvary PCA