Communion at Calvary

In June 2024, we began offering wine, along with grape juice, as an element of the Lord’s Supper. Over the past several years the elders have discussed the Biblical witness regarding the use of wine in Communion. In addition, we’ve considered church history and our confession, and have become convinced that wine should be included in our Lord’s Supper service.

As with any change, we recognize this decision may be met with various responses, and our desire is two-fold and complementary: 

#1 – To love God through obedience to the Biblical witness (1 John 5:3), and 
#2 – Out of love for His church to eagerly seek to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace (Eph. 4:3).

Read more about this change through the pastoral narrative and FAQs below.

Communion Wine – Pastoral Narrative
Communion Wine FAQs

What Should you Expect at a Communion Service at Calvary

How does it work?  After explaining the purpose of communion and reading Jesus’ words from the night of his betrayal, the pastor will invite you to come forward to receive the bread and the cup via the center aisle. Rows will be dismissed from the back by an usher. You will receive the elements from the elders standing up front on your side of the sanctuary.

When do we eat the bread and drink from the cup?  You will take the bread and cup back to your seat, and we will take the elements together as prompted by the pastor.

What if I cannot come forward?  Each communion service, an elder will follow behind the usher with a tray of the elements and offer communion to any professing believer who is unable to come forward but wishes to participate in communion. We will make sure that all professing believers are welcome at the table.

What should I do if I’m not a believer?  We will invite everyone to come forward, but if you are not a believer in Christ, we will ask that you pass by the elements and observe. You are also welcome to remain in your seat, if you so choose. Our prayer is that you would believe in Christ Jesus, as your only hope of salvation and that you will be able to join us in the future.