Partner with Pastor Nate in Sierra Leone

As part of Calvary’s commitment to make disciples where we are sent, Pastor Nate is returning to Sierra Leone for a third consecutive year, March 5-20. He and fellow PCA pastor Tom Cox are working again with West Africa Reformed Mission (W.A.R.M.) to train local pastors and other ministry leaders in the five churches of the Presbyterian Convention of Sierra Leone.

This year, they will participate in ordaining the first two pastors in the history of the Presbyterian Convention of Sierra Leone, in addition to ordaining two additional elders. This is a huge milestone in the life of the churches there.

As we send Pastor Nate to train and ordain church leaders for the work of making the Gospel known in Sierra Leone, there are currently four specific ways to partner with him:

1. PARTICIPATE by submitting notes of congratulations and encouragement for the following men and their congregations for whom we have prayed and provided resources:
• John M. – Nominated as teaching elder
• Jonathan K. – Nominated as teaching elder
• Sorie K. – Nominated as ruling elder
• Saidu M.- Nominated as ruling elder

2. PERSONALIZED encouragement notes for the women in the churches in Sierra Leone written from the women at Calvary.
• Include scriptures, prayers, etc, addressed to “My Sister in Christ.” Find scripture resources here.
• Our goal is 50 notes so feel free to write more than one.
• Blank cards will be available on the lobby table if you want to complete a note at church, or use your own!
• For questions, please contact Lisa Gyori.

3. PROVIDE light-weight and small school supplies, and other requested items for the children of the schools run by the churches in Sierra Leone. >> Click Here to view the requested items & sign-up!

>>Please bring notes, cards and purchased items to the collection area in the church lobby from Sunday, February 16 – Sunday, March 2.

4. PRAY!
• Pray for all of the details of preparation and travel to run smoothly.
• Pray for Pastor Nate, as he shares about the work in Sierra Leone at Flat Branch Presbyterian Church, on Sunday, February 16, where his partner, Tom Cox, is pastor.
• Pray for Pastor Nate’s heart and ours to grow for God’s kingdom to spread among the nations.
• Pray for protection from the evil one for Pastor Nate and Tom Cox.
• Pray for the Wilks family in this season of preparation.

>> VIDEO: To help you as you pray, here is a video, highlighting last year’s trip and your partnership in Sierra Leone!