10 Pastoral Prayers for 2018
As we move into a new year of ministry together, I am keenly aware of our need for God’s work in our midst. I am also conscious of my tendency to pray small prayers, asking God to do things that feel safe and manageable.
However, as I read the Bible, and particularly the prayers of God’s people, I am struck by the humanly impossible petitions and promises contained within its pages. God’s promises to His people are not attainable through human effort or intellect, and the prayers of Scripture often ask God to do what only an all-powerful, all-knowing, loving and gracious God can do.
To that end, I have found myself praying prayers for Calvary Presbyterian Church that only God could answer and that are clearly beyond my grasp. I invite you to do the same. Below are 10 specific ways in which I am praying for the people of Calvary in 2018: